Sri Chinmoy Quotes

Text Quotes
What does peace do? Peace blossoms. What else? Peace spreads. What else? Peace illumines. What else? Peace fulfils (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The greatest misfortune that can come to a human being is to lose his inner peace. No outer force can rob him of it. It is his own thoughts, his own actions, that rob him of it (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Inside each one of us is a beautiful flower garden. This is the garden of the soul. With each lesson we learn, the garden grows. As we learn together, our individual gardens form a tranquil paradise (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Even now when I am answering a question I am at the height of my own meditation (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Your heart must become a sea of love. Your mind must become a river of detachment (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. Knowledge is a friend, even to its hater. Ignorance hates knowledge because it is too pure. Knowledge fears ignorance because it is too sure (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Meditation simplifies our outer life and energizes our inner life. Meditation gives us a natural and spontaneous life, a life that becomes so natural and spontaneous that we cannot breathe without being conscious of our own divinity (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The power that dominates cannot solve world problems. The power that loves can solve world problems (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
I’m not a weight lifter. I’m a seeker. Weight lifting is so insignificant in my life (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
When you meditate you have to try to quiet and calm the mind. There should be no thought within the mind. Right now you feel that if you can cherish twenty ideas at a time, then you are the wisest man on earth. The more thoughts that enter into our minds, the more clever we feel we are. But in the spiritual life it is not like that. If consciously we can make the mind calm and quiet, we feel that a new creation dawns inside us (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The meditation that gives you immediate joy or continuous joy is the best meditation for you. Everyone will not have the same meditation. Your meditation will not suit me, my meditation will not suit you. You like a certain food, I don’t like it. You are right in your own way I am right in my own way. But once you know what your best meditation is, please stick to it (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
When you really have something to offer to the world, then you can become truly humble. A tree when it has no fruit to offer, remains erect. But when the tree is laden with fruit, it bends down. If you are all pride and ego, then nobody will be able to get anything worthwhile from you. When you have genuine humility, it is a sign that you have something to offer to mankind (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
If you have true gratitude, it will express itself automatically. It will be visible in your eyes, around your being, in your aura. It is like the fragrance of a flower. In most cases if there is a beautiful flower, the fragrance will be there naturally. The flower and its fragrance cannot be separated (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Say I have set my goal at 300 pounds, and I cannot do it. The very fact that I have been devotedly practising and practising gives me joy, and the tenacity or perseverance that I am showing is itself progress. Anything that we do devotedly and soulfully helps us make progress (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
It is only through meditation that we can get lasting peace, divine peace. If we meditate soulfully in the morning and receive peace for only one minute, that one minute of peace will permeate our whole day. And when we have a meditation of the highest order, then we really get abiding peace, light and delight. We need meditation because we want to grow in light and fulfill ourselves in light. If this is our aspiration, if this is our thirst, then meditation is the only way (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The most important and most significant good quality in our human life is gratitude. Unfortunately, that good quality we somehow manage not to express either in our thoughts or in our actions. Right from the beginning of our life, we have somehow learned not to express it. So we have the least amount of the very thing that we need most in order to become a better person (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Peace is something tangible. It silences the outgoing energy of the mind and feeds the aspiring heart. Peace is not merely the absence of quarreling and fighting. True peace is not affected by the roaring of the world, outer or inner. This sea of peace is at our command if we practise the spiritual life (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The reason I have entered into bodybuilding and weightlifting is to inspire everybody to pray and meditate so they can bring to the fore their own inner strength. If everybody brings to the fore his own inner strength, the world will eventually be inundated with peace (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
I do feel there are countless people on earth who do not believe in the inner power, the inner life. They feel that the outer strength and the outer life are everything. I do not agree with them. There is an inner life; there is spirit, and my ability to lift these heavy weights proves that it can work in matter as well (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
Your soul has a special mission. Your soul is supremely conscious of it. Maya, illusion or forgetfulness, makes you feel that you are finite, weak and helpless. This is not true. You are not the body. You are not the senses. You are not the mind. These are all limited. You are the soul, which is unlimited. Your soul is infinitely powerful. Your soul defies all time and space (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
You can only hate someone whom you have the capacity to love, because if you are really indifferent, you cannot even get up the enough energy to hate him (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
A true spiritual seeker will have the deepest respect and utmost reverence for all religions. We can treasure all religions and claim them as our very own (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
America’s special strength lies not in frightening the weak and challenging the strong, but in strengthening the weak and illumining the strong (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)
The peace of mind that we get from meditation does not fade away. It lasts for good in some corner of the inmost recesses of our aspiring heart (Sri Chinmoy Quotes)